Monday, December 15, 2008

One world

By: Mochamad Ismail
Are we in one world? But what world? If I feel alone how could it said one world? One world means there is no feel alone. Among the crowd you are alone. is it? But, I can not fight the fact in this day. Anywhere you go now, to shopping mall, bus station, airport you will see people alone. They live in their alone world.

I live in the country with kindly people they say. But, if I don't tell what happen with me today, starving or sick. If I don't go to asking help. Who cares!

We're suffer from emphaty. We're suffer of love. Individualistic, hedonistic and materialistic are dominant in the world today. Is it right? If we're down and poor who cares but if we're rich everybody will care. They're curious what I do that make me rich.

Is it one world?


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